Meditations & A Sense Of An Ending

 I created covers for two novels. Meditations, a book on stoicism, is a compilation of journal entries from the Roman leader Marcus Aurelius. A Sense of an Ending tells the story of an older man looking back at his life and being dissatisfied with how boring it was. For Meditations, the cover concept is an edited night sky with the phases of the moon placed in a semi-circle. The concept was based on the novel being a collection of nightly journal entries and the calm night sky helped convey the reflective nature of the book. The cover for A Sense of an Ending is an edited image of a road with various construction signs laid out across the pavement. The largest of the signs contains the title with a distressed and decaying appearance. The character in the book spends a lot of time traveling to revisit his past. The general atmosphere of the story feels old, tired and mundane; the decaying, and dull nature of roadwork felt appropriate.




